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Thanks for visiting my site!

My name is Hadar Setton, and I’m from Hollywood, Florida. I’m currently in 7th grade at Brauser Maimonides Academy.

My journey with StandWithUs started when I visited Israel in the summer of 2019. While touring Jerusalem, my family and I visited the StandWithUs Israel Center. We were warmly welcomed by Ilana Sherrington-Hoffman, the Director of Operations there. I was inspired by everything I saw there, and immediately decided that I wanted my Bat Mitzvah project to be for StandWithUs. Raising awareness and supporting Israel now became my goal!

When I returned home to Florida, I started to campaign for StandWithUs. I created my own booth which I took to different places every weekend, such as supermarkets, local events, and even a Miami Heat basketball game. I gave out bags with Israel-themed gifts, as well as booklets that tell Israel’s beautiful story. I also collected people’s email addresses and signed them up to receive newsletters from StandWithUs. Additionally, I created a GoFundMe in order to reach a broader audience beyond South Florida.

To my surprise, the project really “took off” and became a huge success. So many people were eager to get involved and support Israel. I even received letters of recognition from public figures such as President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Unfortunately, my project’s momentum came to a stop when the pandemic hit. Although I am unable to support StandWithUs and Israel from my booth, I can still campaign virtually….. and that is how this site was born.  

                                 -Hadar Setton



hadar4israel is working on behalf of StandWithUs. All purchases and donations are tax-deductible. Thank you for supporting StandWithUs and Israel!

Contact Me:

Hadar Setton

T: 954-558-5663


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